
Rev. Dr. Joshua Hollmann Biography

Growing up in San Francisco and studying abroad in China formed a life-long passion for Chinese language study and culture, and Pastor Hollmann enjoys improving his Chinese at True Light Lutheran Church.

Rev. Dr. Hollmann serves as Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at Concordia University, St. Paul. From 2013-2021, he was theology faculty and Chair of the Theology Department (2014-2021) at Concordia College New York. In 2014, he earned his PhD from the Faculty of Religious Studies of McGill University, a MDiv from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis (2005), and a BA from Valparaiso University (1999).

He studied at Hangzhou University, China, and the University of Cambridge. In addition, he served as a Lutheran Volunteer Corps and AmeriCorps year-long volunteer at a homeless shelter in Washington, DC (1999-2000). He has lectured and taught at universities and seminaries in Taiwan, Japan, India, Sudan, Canada, Turkey, Haiti, and the Philippines, and has led student-learning-service trips to Oman, Nicaragua, the Philippines, and Quebec. 

 In 2017, Pastor Hollmann was honored to give the opening invocation for the New York City Council at City Hall. Pastor Hollmann was Campus Chaplain of Concordia College New York (2014-2017), and Associate and Missional Pastor at Ascension Lutheran Church, a multicultural Lutheran congregation in Montreal (2005-2009).  

From 2009-2021, he served as sole Pastor of Christ Lutheran Church in New York City (Woodside, Queens). He was also Vice President of the Atlantic District of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod for metro New York (2015-2021). He now serves as Education Executive of the Atlantic District of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.

Pastor Hollmann is married with one son. At True Light Lutheran Church Pastor Hollmann serves in a part-time role and is assisted by deacons, elders, and leaders of the congregation. 



賀嘉錫牧師自 2009 年起與家人一起住在紐約市。在舊金山長大並曾在中國留學,形成了對漢語學習和中國文化的終生熱情。賀嘉錫牧師還擔任聖保羅協同大學系統神學副教授. 2013-2021 年,他在紐約康協同大學擔任神學教師和神學系主任(2014-2021).  2014 年,他在麥吉爾大學宗教研究學院獲得博士學位,在聖路易斯大學神學院獲得神學碩士學位(2005 年), 在瓦爾帕萊索大學獲得學士學位(1999 年)。 

他曾就讀於中國杭州大學和劍橋大學。此外,他還曾在華盛頓特區的一個無家可歸者收容所擔任路德會誌願者團和 AmeriCorps 長達一年的志願者(1999-2000 年)。他曾在台灣、日本、印度、蘇丹、加拿大、土耳其、海地和菲律賓的大學和神學院講學和任教,並帶領學生前往阿曼、尼加拉瓜、菲律賓和魁北克服務與學習。 

2017 年,賀嘉錫牧師很榮幸在市政廳為紐約市議會作開幕式。賀嘉錫牧師是紐約協同大學學院的校園牧師(2014-2017 年),以及蒙特利爾的多元文化路德會教會升天路德教會的副牧師和宣教牧師(2005-2009 年)。

從 2009 年到 2021 年,他擔任紐約市(皇后區Woodside)基督路德教會的唯一牧師。他曾經是紐約路德教會密蘇里州大西洋區的副主席(2015-2021 年)。他目前擔任路德教會大西洋區的教育主管。賀嘉錫牧師已婚並育有一子,他的家人非常喜愛住在紐約市。

Board of Trustees

True Light is congregationally governed. Every November, board members are elected to serve a term of three years. Board officers are elected every December to serve a one-year term (election of all board officers every year). Board officers include the President, VP for English service, VP for Chinese service, Treasurer, Financial Secretary and Recording Secretary. The non-voting members are Senior Pastor Hollmann, 賀嘉錫主任牧師, and Leon Moy, Elder and Church Administrator